Daddy, Mom, Tracy, Michael & Tina

Daddy, Mom, Tracy, Michael & Tina
Daddy, Momma, Tracy, Michael, Tina

Friday, January 27, 2012


I read a story last week about a woman whose car stalled in traffic. The gentlemen in the car behind her expressed his impatience by honking his horn every few seconds. Frustrated that her car wouldn’t start and at his insistent honking, she stepped from her car and walked back to his. Sticking her face right into his open window she said, “My car won’t start, as you can see. I wonder if you will go see if you can start it, and I will sit here in your car and honk your horn for you!”

In 1 Corinthians 10:10 we are warned honking just for the sake of honking is not only unhelpful but also unholy and spiritually very unhealthy. We are told not to complain as some did in the Old Testament — "some of them also complained, and were destroyed by the destroyer." No talent is required to sit behind a stalled car (or a stalled church) and honk. What the church desperately needs is not more honkers but more helpers.

Get real now — are you helping the church, or just honking?