Daddy, Mom, Tracy, Michael & Tina

Daddy, Mom, Tracy, Michael & Tina
Daddy, Momma, Tracy, Michael, Tina

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Path

When I walked the isle to be saved at this church it was like a burden was lifted from me. I was just a few months shy of being twelve years old. My cousins Martha Jo, Kathy and I had discussed in length that we were saved and would be walking the isle the next Sunday. I told Momma and Daddy, and they had Bro Noel Harris discuss salvation with me and he agreed I was ready. The invitation started, and right away Martha walked the isle, and I remember being nervous. Then Kathy went. It was me next in line and I moved to the end of the pew. I felt pressure, like something holding me back. After Bro Harris indicated for Kathy to stand by Martha Jo, he raised his arm and said “Are there others?” I stepped into the isle with feet of lead.

I remember thinking, why was that step so hard because the next step I took it was as if Angel wings lifted me and I floated on air right up to Bro. Harris. I made the decision to walk away from a life of sin and each step I took became easier as I walked with God. He lifted me, and the Angels carried me. The decision I made was based on the love my family had for me to see that I was taught about Jesus and could make the decision to accept His free pardon from sin. He loved me enough to inspire me to walk with Him.
I know many of you might not have been young when you were saved and walked the isle. In fact, some older people now think they are too old to walk the isle; “it’s something you do when you are a child”. I promise you, as you look into your heart, you are never too old to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. I also know, for those of you who were saved in later years of your life, you have a lesson to teach, a story to tell that could inspire someone to know it is never too late in life to repent of your sins and be saved.
Everyone did not have the happy family who goes to church together life and had to rise from family adversity to make the decision to follow Christ. Sis. Zula tells me she had to hide her salvation from her Mother, Sis. Laura says she never went to church until she moved to Arkansas and vaguely remembers her Grandmother attending church. Both of these women found it in their hearts to be saved and turn their family destiny in to one of teaching about the Lord.
It is never too late to turn your path in life around and be saved and to change your families walk in life. Jesus welcomes you with open arms. What are you waiting for?

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